Office center for the premium segment

середа, 9 червня 2021 р. о 14:58

A new technological and innovative office center of class A "IQ Park" has been built at 162 Pasichna Street in Lviv.

The building was commissioned last year, and the search for tenants continues. The LLC "KM DEVELOP" has taken into account the current requirements for modern offices so that companies that are actively developing could provide their employees with comfortable working conditions.

What is offered?

The maximum number of energy-saving technologies was used in the construction of the office center. Efficient air recuperators with an approximate efficiency of 70% were installed. They operate as follows: outcoming air heats the incoming air and vice versa – a cold air flowing from the outside cools the air inside. A non-standard and efficient method of heating – air-to-air heat pumps system was used. On the roof, there are huge outdoor blocks of air conditioners that can work up to minus 15 degrees Celcius outside and supply heat through the indoor blocks through the air. When the temperature drops below 15 degrees, the city heating network will be connected automatically.

"Though this technology is common for cooling, we used a more expensive option so now the system can give coolness in one wing of the building and heat in the other. The environmental friendliness of this technology is that it does not consume natural gas, runs on electricity, and has a very high conversion factor so that 1 kilowatt of electricity in sub-zero temperatures produces 2.8-3 kilowatts of heat," – said the head of "KM DEVELOP" Ivan Ditkun.

Each tenant will have separate means of accounting for calories or kilowatts consumed – water, heat, electricity. For insulation of facades an expensive material was used – mineral wool, a heater of 110-150 mm thickness. Some of the facades are self-ventilated, some are glassy self-supporting. According to Ivan Ditkun, special glass was meticulously chosen for the southern part of the building – it has a high coefficient of reflection of infrared light, but at the same time lets through a sufficient amount of daylight. The glass facades on the north side, on the other hand, have high transmittance of daylight, including infrared, to warm the office up. And on the inside, there is a special energy-saving stamp, which allows you to avoid wasting extra energy, especially in winter.

"We held long consultations with experts, including foreign ones, and as a result, the relevant concept of cooling and heating was crystallized. The figures show that this should be the most optimal option for local conditions, which is also confirmed by the building's energy certificate, according to which it has been given energy efficiency class "A" – the highest level of energy efficiency. The correctness of the calculations is confirmed by the fact that later some developers also used this concept of thermal regulation of buildings," – says the head of "KM DEVELOP" Ivan Ditkun.

All offices that are being built in Lviv nowadays have glass facades. Why so? At first glance, it may seem that this material will cost extra energy, but the experience of both northern and southern countries with developed economies refutes this, explains Ivan Ditkun.

He says: "Today, glass allows you to build a house in such a way that heat loss can be minimal. At the same time, a large amount of glass provides more light. Office center "IQ Park" is built in such a way that in the center there is a core, with bathrooms and elevators, and around the perimeter – open spaces with windows to ensure the maximum amount of insolation for the maximum area".

The company suggests that a valid bonus for tenants is a significant number of parking spaces – about 150, in the future up to 170, in the underground garage and the adjacent area. There are parking spaces for people with disabilities, for bicycles and motorcycles, places for charging electric cars. The area is paved, illuminated by street LED lights, equipped with video surveillance and round-the-clock security. There are green areas, recreation terraces, smoking areas. On the ground floor, 200-250 square meters are designed for catering establishments. Elevators in the building are with induction motors, they are high-speed and silent.

The office center is located at the crossroads of the city's main transport arteries, 10 km from the airport, 7 km from the train station, and 5 km from the city center. Tenants are offered full loyalty in building business relationships, as well as an opportunity to optimize rental space for the requirements of the tenant. Each floor can be equipped with dining rooms, massage rooms, showers, gyms and more. As of now, "IQ Park" is ready to host seven companies. At least one floor with an area of 1000 square meters will be rented out. It is designed for about 100 people. Additional information and contacts can be found on the website of LLC "KM DEVELOP".

Who might be interested?

Construction began with preliminary agreements with IT companies on mutually beneficial cooperation. Therefore, technologically and technically offices are focused primarily on their needs. The urgency of the project was added by the city authorities' intention to build an IT park in Lviv, for which even a capsule was laid. And although the IT park has not been built yet, Lviv still has prospects for the development of the IT-sphere.

Entrepreneur Yaroslav Mayboroda, the founder of "KM DEVELOP" and an investor in the construction of an office center, says that the premises are designed for all companies that are developing dynamically and strive to create appropriate conditions for their employees to get the most out of them. Offices meet the requirements for a comfortable business so that people can feel safe and secure.

"We focus on the premium market segment. We want to create an example of the highest quality, modern and elite business building. And we invite tenants who share our attitude to business processes," – says the construction investor.

In about a month, one of the floors of the IQ Park office center will be occupied by a group of companies founded by Yaroslav Mayboroda.

"The fact that we are moving there shows that we trust our product. We have built it the way we can use it ourselves and we provide the same conditions to our tenants," – the entrepreneur adds.

"My approach to business is to be the leader in my field. We need to create the highest quality product, offer customers the best and most comfortable services and conditions. Our team is highly qualified and highly paid. We are demanding to ourselves so that others can take an example of us. This is our priority. We buy the most expensive engineering networks of the highest quality, double-glazed windows, and we do not save on materials. We take into account the latest trends in office development – and in terms of technology, and in the principles of premises arrangements, and in terms of environmental and social parameters. As an investor, I am satisfied with the activities of the company's head who made strategic and tactical decisions; involved designers, builders, and made decisions about tenders".

In private conversations, managers of IT companies say that quarantine and remote work allow them to save a lot of money, optimize costs; but at the same time, they do not hide the fact that the quality of work has decreased. Therefore, says Ivan Ditkun, it can be predicted that the need for offices will return for sure.

"When the situation stabilizes, the situation with coronavirus pandemic declines, and the rental market resumes, our office, we hope, will be the most comfortable for IT workers. We have been moving towards it, now let the consumers evaluate us," – Yaroslav Mayboroda sums up.

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